Gift suggestions for a 36-year-old woman interested in Haiti costing around $140

Artisans in the Andes "Azure Allure" Alpaca Blend Throw

This beautiful, soft throw is made of an alpaca blend and blue/purpleish checkered patterns. This throw is perfect for keeping warm while curled up on the couch or as a decorative piece on a bed or sofa. The brand, Artisans in the Andes, is known for its fair trade practices, supporting local artisans from Ecuador and Peru, and providing customers with high-quality products. This product is priced at around $135.

Threads of Peru "Andean Reflections" Handwoven Wool Shoulder Bag

This handwoven wool shoulder bag, made in the beautiful Andean regions of Peru, is perfect for carrying everyday essentials. The beautiful textile patterns and colors make it a unique piece that is both stylish and functional. Threads of Peru is known for their ethical and sustainable practices, empowering women artisans in Peru to preserve and share their cultural heritage through weaving. This product is approximately $120.

Global Mamas "Eva" African Print Maxi Dress

This beautiful maxi dress features a bold, colorful African print and is perfect for all occasions – weddings, summer parties or even as a casual piece. Global Mamas is a brand that works with women-led cooperatives in Ghana, prioritizing fair trade practices, sustainability and women's empowerment. You can buy this maxi dress for $135.

PlushBeds 100% Natural Talalay Latex Pillow

This comfortable, durable pillow is made from 100% natural Talalay latex, providing the perfect balance of support and softness for a good night's sleep. PlushBeds is a trustworthy brand that values sustainability, using only certified organic materials in their products. The natural materials used in the pillow provide hypoallergenic properties that are great for anyone with allergies. This pillow is priced at around $130.

MCMUSICAL String Art Coffee Sign

This handmade string art coffee sign is a unique piece of wall art that adds character and warmth to any room. The brand, MCMUSICAL, is passionate about creating personalized and custom string art pieces that are made with precision and care. This piece is priced at approximately $130.

Similar interests and resources

People interested in Haiti are typically also interested in Caribbean culture, cuisine, and traditions. They may enjoy learning about African diaspora and the impact of colonialism on the Caribbean region. Here are five great resources for people interested in Caribbean culture and cuisine: