Gift suggestions for a 22-year-old woman interested in Proofreading and editing and Environment costing around $50

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White

The Elements of Style is an all-time classic book on writing and editing which has been loved by generations of writers. This book provides timeless advice on how to write effectively, from tips on grammar and usage to composition and form. The book's authorship by William Strunk Jr. and revised by E.B. White has made it a reliable reference for decades. Additionally, the book is written in a clear and concise style that makes it easy to read and understand. The approximate price of this book is $10.

Grammarly Subscription

Grammarly is a popular online tool that helps catch spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in text. It's an excellent tool for proofreaders and editors and is used by millions worldwide. Grammarly's intuitive interface and seamless integration with several platforms make it an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their writing. A yearly subscription can cost around $140, but smaller plans also exist.

Bamboo Folio Smartpad

The Bamboo Folio Smartpad is a digital notepad that records your handwritten notes or drawings with a smart pen. The device uses Bluetooth to synchronize with your digital device and easily converts the paper notes to digital ones. The pen is pressure-sensitive, picks up fine detail, and has several customizable settings, perfect for note-taking and editing. The approximate cost of this tool is $150.

Beeswax Wraps

Beeswax wraps are a great alternative to single-use plastics such as plastic wrap and ziplock bags. They are made from natural cotton infused with beeswax and other natural oils, making them reusable and eco-friendly. Aside from being functional, they come in many fun designs and patterns, making them a fashionable and practical accessory in the kitchen for those with eco-conservation interests. A pack of Beeswax wraps costs approximately $15.

Plant Nanny App

Plant Nanny is a popular app for plant lovers, allowing users to track and monitor their plant's health care. The app features an intuitive interface, customizable plant care plans, and reminders to keep your plants healthy. The positive reinforcement system where the user's avatar drinks water every time you drink water, helps make hydration fun. The app is free to download and use, with the option to buy additional features.

Similar interests and resources

People interested in proofreading, and editing, and environment are commonly interested in gardening and sustainable living. The reason is that these interests all revolve around the concepts of care, healthy living, and improvement. Sustainability considers its strong effects on the environment now and in the future, and proofreading fixes mistakes in the written word, contributing to clearer and effective communication. Finally, Gardening prompts physical activity and connects people with nature, which contributes to, among other benefits, better mental health. Resources that aspiring-proofreaders can find helpful include: Grammarly Blog, the Chicago Manual of Style Online, American Society of Journalists and Authors, and the Editorial Freelancers Association.