The Cohiba Behike 52 Cigar
This cigar is known for its full-bodied flavor and smooth texture; perfect for the 61-year-old
tobacco aficionado. Cohiba is one of the world's top cigar brands, known for its quality and luxury. The Cohiba Behike 52 Cigar is made with the best tobacco in
Cuba and aged for over two years, making it a unique and memorable gift. The approximate price is $100.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar
The Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar is a premium brand developed to honor the famous British Prime Minister's legacy. The cigar boasts a rich, complex flavor that is perfect for an experienced smoker. Davidoff is renowned for its quality, and their Winston Churchill Cigar is no exception. The approximate price for this cigar is $25.
Peterson Atlantic Cigar
Peterson Atlantic Cigar is known for its smooth texture and rich, full-bodied flavor. The company hails from
Ireland and boasts a long
history of quality. The cigar is perfect for those who love a classic tobacco taste with a modern twist. The Atlantic Cigar is aged for three years, ensuring that the smoker gets the perfect smoke every
time. The approximate price is $25.
Inci Aromas Tobacco Flower Candle
Inci Aromas is famous for its unique, high-quality candles, and their Tobacco Flower Candle is one of the most popular among tobacco lovers. The candle boasts a subtle, authentic tobacco scent with hints of vanilla, tonka bean, and musk. The candle comes in a sleek black jar and makes for an excellent gift for those who love the smell of tobacco. The approximate price is $20.
Tobacco Road Cologne Spray
Tobacco Road Cologne Spray is made for those who love the rich, sophisticated aroma of tobacco. The cologne boasts a blend of tobacco leaf, tonka bean, vanilla, and cacao, making it a sensual and luxurious fragrance that any tobacco lover would appreciate. The scent is long-lasting and perfect for formal gatherings and special events. The approximate price is $70.